Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stress and Technology

Everyday we see technology changing, it's a part of today's society--but has anyone stopped to think about how that influences individuals? In today's society the relationship between feelings and the environment is seemingly lost... but is it? No matter how transparent the connection, the developments that are made every day have a greater influence on the mind then many seem to think. The technology that is being developed is great, and it has many positive repercussions; however there is also a negative consequence: Stress.

So what is wrong with the world today? What's wrong is that so many people do not see how their surroundings effect the way they feel. Technology and stress. That is the problem.

Here are the questions that will need to be addressed to fully understand this problem: 
How does this apply to me?
What can I do about this?
Why is this the biggest problem in our world today?
What factors are connected to it?
Who are the stakeholders?
Who do we blame?
How can we fix it?
How has this changed over time?

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