Monday, May 20, 2013

Who Will Take the Blame for Stress?

In my opinion,there are two major stakeholder directions to point fingers: 

  1. Big ticket technology companies. According to CNNMoney, the following companies are the "ten most admired tech companies:" Apple, Google, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Intel, Accenture, eBay, Facebook and Cisco. One option would be to blame these companies because their success and constant development produces the technology that causes our society to be so stressful. These companies also do a very good job of advertising their products to make people think that they need them in their life to be successful. This causes stress due to the reliability people have on technology.
  2. Society and Individuals. It would be an option to blame the people for letting technology become a cause of stress and for becoming so emotionally attached to the technology that has become available
I think that neither of these stockholders are a good option to blame for the problem of stress due to technology. Both stress and technology are natural reactions to the needs, solutions, changes and developments in the world today. 

So the answer to the questions 'who will take the blame for stress?' is that no one will. There is really nothing good that can come from pointing fingers anyway, right? The best option is simply to try to fix the problem of  stress and technology that is taking control over our society. 

Akhtar, Omar. "10 Most Admired Tech Companies." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 20 May 2013. <>.

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